School of Education and Social sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 173
Kenya’s Social Development Proposals and Challenges: Review of Kenya Vision 2030 First Medium-Term Plan, 2008-2012
(American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 2014-01)Kenya faces several development challenges including poverty, disease, unemployment, negative civic engagement among others. The development bottlenecks worsened following the introduction of the IMF/World Bank-propelled ... -
Evaluation of popular functional christologies among the ndia christians of kirinyaga west sub county in kenya
(Asian Journal of Science and Technology, 2017-10)The study evaluated popular functional Christologies among the Christians of Ndia in Kirinyaga West sub-county, Kenya. Popular Christologies reflect people’s real understanding of Jesus Christ. The objectives of the study ... -
Evaluation of Popular Functional Christologies among the Ndia Christians of Kirinyaga West Sub County in Kenya.
(Asian Journal of Science and Technology, 2017-10)The study evaluated popular functional Christologies among the Christians of Ndia in Kirinyaga West sub-county, Kenya. Popular Christologies reflect people’s real understanding of Jesus Christ. The objectives of the study ... -
Evaluation of Creative Thinking Skills amongst Students in Kenya: A Case Study of Public Secondary Schools in Nyeri and Nairobi Counties.
(African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 2018-06)Creative thinking skills are vital competencies in the life of every individual. Therefore, people with creative thinking skills are able to innovate and come up with novel solutions to problems that confront them in life. ... -
The Chief Mau Mau Propagandist: Experiences that Prompted Gakaara wa Wanjau into Anti-Colonial Literary Activism
(International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 2017)This article examines the personal experiences of Gakaara wa Wanjau that influenced his political literary activism during the colonial period. The paper is informed by Relative Deprivation Theory. It demonstrates that ... -
Influence of School Policies on Students’ Participation in Curricular Activities: a Case of Public Secondary Schools in Aberdare Central Region, Kenya
(International Journal of Innovation and Research in Educational Sciences, 2017)School policies influence students’ participation in co-curricular activities in secondary schools since, there is a statistically significant relationship between school policies and student participation in co-curricular ... -
Eucharistic symbols: Other emerging meanings in the Anglican Church of Kenya.
(Stellenbosch Theological Journal, 2017)This article is set to argue that for a long time Eucharistic symbols have been interpreted in different contexts, with a universal understanding as the body and blood of Jesus Christ. However, recent studies in the Anglican ... -
The History and Culture of Idakho People of Western Kenya during Pre-colonial Period.
(Sociology and Anthropology, 2017)This study attempted to broaden our understanding of the Idakho culture during pre-colonial period. The main aim of the research was to examine and unravel the past history pattern, cultural practices of Idakho people, to ... -
Analysis of Semantic Fields in Gĩkũyũ Church Sermons in Nyeri County, Kenya
(Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2018-08)The notion of semantic field is a structural model for lexical semantics which is attributed to Jost Trier in the Semantic Field Theory. The semantic field is an indispensable part of any language since without it information ... -
The Chief Mau Mau Propagandist: Experiences that Prompted Gakaara wa Wanjau into Anti-Colonial Literary Activism
(2017-04)This article examines the personal experiences of Gakaara wa Wanjau that influenced his political literary activism during the colonial period. The paper is informed by Relative Deprivation Theory. It demonstrates that ... -
Prevalence and Factors contributing to Pornography viewing among Male Students in selected Universities in Kenya
(2014-11)Pornography viewing afforded through advanced technology has become a widespread social phenomenon globally and has contributed to changing the terrain of human sexuality in both positive and negative ways. Technology in ... -
The Migrant Labour System in the Asian-Owned Sugar Plantations in Kisumu County, Kenya, 1940 –1963
(jiarm, 2016-06)This paper examines the contribution of the African migrant labour to the expansion of Asian sugar plantation industry in Kisumu County of Kenya. These factors included government policies and the availability of cheap ... -
Frequency of Use of Information and Communication Technology Equipment by Secondary School Heads and Teachers in Nandi and Uasin Gishu Counties, Kenya
(The Africa Premier Research Publishing Hub, 2016-10)Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) generally refer to landline and cellular telephones, wireless technologies, computers, Internet, computer software and hardware, as well as older communication technologies such ... -
Critical Appraisal of Teacher Education Programmes in Achieving Curriculum Goals in Kenya
(IJCI, 2018)This paper makes a critical appraisal of teacher education programmes in achieving curriculum goals. Teacher education refers to the policies and procedures designed to equip prospective teachers with the knowledge, ... -
Challenges Facing Home Based Care Projects on HIV/AIDS Management in Africa
(2015-04)HIV/AIDS has continued to pose a major challenge to the social-economical development of Africa since the infection was first diagnosed in Kenya in 1984. All the sectors of the African economy have been negatively affected ... -
The Treatment of Indigenous Languages in Kenya’s Pre- and Post-independent Education Commissions and in the Constitution of 2010
(Australian International Academic Centre, 2017-12-30)An indigenous or community language is the language that nurtures the child in the early years of his or her life. The UNESCO land mark publication in 1953 underscores the importance of educating children in their community ... -
The Forgotten Minority: The Origins of the Asian-Owned Sugar Plantation Agriculture in Kisumu County, Kenya
(Scholars Academic and Scientific Publishers, 2016)Abstract: This paper traces the origins and development of Asian sugar plantation agriculture and industry in Kisumu County of Kenya. The sugar plantation economy still remains the cornerstone of the County’s economy. The ... -
Factors influencing fertility preferences of currently married men in Kenya
(2016)Fertility preferences are central in determining the future fertility of the society particularly where and when those desires are implemented. The socio-cultural structures in most African communities have given men the ... -
Digital migration: E-learning and primary school teacher nightmare in Kenya
(AfriTVET, 2016) -
Socio- Cultural and Economic Factors affecting Primary School Enrolment in Baragoi Division of Samburu County, Kenya
(Leena and Luna International, Oyama, Japan, 2015-04)