School of Education and Social sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 173
Assessment of the Effectiveness of Programs put in place to Control Students’ Absenteeism in Public Day Secondary Schools in Kirinyaga County, Kenya
(African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 2018)This paper assessed the effectiveness of programs put in place to curb absenteeism by learners in public day secondary schools in Kirinyaga County, Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The target ... -
Home Based Variables Influencing Effective Implementation of Inclusive Education in Kirinyaga West Sub-County, Kenya
(Journal of Arts & Humanities, 2018)Inclusive education is a strategy designed to facilitate learning success for all children. Despite many efforts being put forth, many students with learning disabilities find it difficult to fit into the normal school ... -
Role of culture in conflict management- a case of Tetu subcounty, Kenya
(Journal of Arts & Humanities, 2019)Since independence the Kenya government has effectively promoted western administrative and judicial systems in all parts of the country, including Tetu Sub-County of Nyeri County to enforce law and order as well as to ... -
The Construction of Feminine Psychology in Swahili Women’s Nuptial Poetry-Unyago
(Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2017-03)This article examines the construction of feminine psychology in Swahili women nuptial poetry-unyago. Unyago poetry is composed and performed by Swahili women. Swahili is a community located along the coastal region of ... -
Evaluating Principals’ Role in Curriculum Supervision through Effective Transformative Leadership
(Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 2019-04)This paper makes a critical examination of the role of school principals and managers in enhancing curriculum supervision and reinforcing prudent teaching practices. This is through a plethora of activities such as analyzing ... -
An Analysis of Teacher Performance Appraisals and their Influence on Teacher Performance in Secondary Schools in Kenya
(Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 2018-07)Every organization has an objective towards optimum performance and the employees are the key drivers in achieving that. It is necessary therefore that the employees’ performance reach optimality for the success of the ... -
Evaluating Principals’ Role in Curriculum Supervision through Effective Transformative Leadership
(Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 2019-04-23)This paper makes a critical examination of the role of school principals and managers in enhancing curriculum supervision and reinforcing prudent teaching practices. This is through a plethora of activities such as analyzing ... -
A Cognitive Semantics Analysis of Fulstop and Valentine Taarab Songs by Khadija Kopa and Mzee Yusuf
(International Journal of Psychology Research, 2017)The Taarab composers and singers Khadija Kopa and Mzee Yusuf have gained appeal for their hilarious and metaphorical songs. In particular, the songs, Fulstop by Khadija Kopa and Valentine by Mzee Yusuf have been a massive ... -
Relationship between Management Strategies used on Students` Strike and Academic Performance in Central Kenya
(Kenya Journal Of Educational Planning, Economics & Management, 2017)Strikes have been a problem in many schools in Kenya where by students go on rampage resulting to property destruction, loss of life which is detrimental to academic performance. As such this study seeks to assess management ... -
Examining Factors Contributing to Indiscipline in Primary Schools in Nyeri Central Sub-County, Kenya
(Pedagogical Research, 2018)School discipline is a core indicator of school effectiveness. Learner management is crucial and educational researchers need to focus on factors leading to indiscipline in schools. Guided by Planned Behaviour Theory that ... -
Dhima ya Ushairi wa Kiswahili Katika Kuelimishia Jamii Kuhusu Demokrasia
(African Journals Online, 2014)Makala haya yanafafanua dhima ya Ushairi wa Kiswahili katika kubainisha na kuielimishia jamii kuhusu masuala ya demokrasia. Ushairi kama kitengo muhimu cha fasihi, umekuwa ukitumiwa kuchochea usaili na tafakari kuhusu ... -
A Cognitive Approach to EkeGusii Pop Songs
(Australian International Academic Centre, 2018-03)A review of literature on pop songs reveals that composers use metaphors to communicate their feelings. In particular, the meaning of the metaphors in EkeGusii pop songs needs to be interpreted to reveal the message of the ... -
Influence of Rainfall Variability on Tomato Production among Small Scale Farmers in Kieni East Sub County, Kenya
(Journal of Arts & Humanities, 2018)In Kenya, horticultural farming within the agricultural sector contributes 25 percent to the national Gross Domestic Product and to job creation for the majority of the households. About one third of Kenya’s population ... -
The Value of Metaphors in Ken Walibora’s Kiswahili Text: ‘Kidagaa Kimemwozea’
(European Journal of Applied Linguistics Studies, 2019)The novelist Ken Walibora employs metaphors in his Kiswahili text Kidagaa Kimemwozea to discuss about the subject of neocolonialism in different perspectives. Due to the metaphoric language used, meaning might be elusive ... -
Effectiveness of Technical Training Interns in Skills Application in Nyeri County, Kenya
(invotec, 2019)Technical, industrial, vocational and entrepreneurship training Institutions (TIVET) are a key component to provide the required human resource to achieve Kenya’s Vision 2030. This study sought to find out the effectiveness ... -
The Role of the Community in the Management of Forests in Kenya: A Case of Elgeyo/Marakwet County
(hrmars, 2013)The sustainability of life on earth is closely linked to better legal mechanism that spells out ways and means to manage forests in a sustainable way. Good management of forests in Kenya, ensures that the present and future ... -
Content of Vernacular Radio Stations Programs and Public Participation in Devolved Governance in Nyeri County, Kenya
(2018-06)Public participation in Kenyan counties still remains a mystery although many efforts have been put in place to achieve it. This is so because many county governments have documented use of public participation in ... -
Nexus between Gender and Language Shift among the Youth in Nairobi County, Kenya
(Australian International Academic Centre, 2018-08)The phenomenon of language shift is brought about by language contact. Language shift from mother tongue to another language among the youth is an issue that cannot be wished away due to, inter alia, factors like urbanization, ... -
The School Curriculum and Its’ Influence on Teacher Motivation in Curriculum Implementation in Kenya
(Journal of Culture and Values in Education, 2018-07)A review of empirical studies on teacher motivation indicates decreasing levels of motivation among secondary school teachers ultimately leading to minimal achievements of the projected Kenya’s Vision 2030. This study ... -
Modus Operandi of Oppressing the “Savages”: The Kenyan British Colonial Experience
(Peace and Conflict Studies, 2018-05)Colonialism can be traced back to the dawn of the “age of discovery” that was pioneered by the Portuguese and the Spanish empires in the 15th century. It was not until the 1870s that “New Imperialism” characterized by the ...