School of Agriculture and Biotechnology: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 145
Community Monitoring of Forest Carbon Stocks and Safeguards Tracking in Kenya: Design and Implementation Considerations
(Scientific Research Publishing Inc, 2015-04)This paper investigates modalities required to design and implement community monitoring of forest carbon stock changes and safeguards implementation in Kenya. General principles and elements were drawn from the UNFCCC ... -
Effect of Some Processing Methods on Nutrient Content and Anti-Nutritional Factors of a Variety of Dolichos Lablab (Lablab Purpureus L.) Beans Grown in Kenya
(Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences Research, 2019)This study aimed to determine the effect of different processing methods on the proximate composition and anti-nutritional factors of Dolichos lablab beans (Lablab purpureus) of Kenya. The seeds of KAT/DL-2 variety,sourced ... -
Sensory Profile and Consumer Preference of Novel Probiotic Yoghurt Enriched with Orange Sweet Potato(Ipomoea batatas)
(African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 2020-09)Due to increased consumer demandforappealing healthyfoods,there is a rising global trend of developing nutritious commercial yoghurts with attractivesensory attributes.The success of formulating a food product is dependent ... -
Effects of Land Use Change on Banana Production:A Case Study of Imenti South Sub-County of Meru County in Kenya
(Britain International of Exact Sciences Journal, 2020-09)Most high agricultural potential regions in Kenya such as Imenti South (Meru County) have exceeded their population density and have been associated with sharp decline in farm productivity. There has been a ... -
Challenges and Opportunities in Tomato Production Chain and Sustainable Standards
(International Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology, 2020-04-23)Tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum) is an important member of the Solanaceae family. It is mainly used as food and cash crop globally. Tomato also serves as an ornamental plant in some parts of the ... -
Nutrient Content of On-Farm Formulatednile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) Feeds: Implications for the Aquaculture Industry in Kenya
(African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 2020-07)Due to the high costs and the unavailabilityof good quality fish feeds in Kenya, farmers have opted to use cheaper, locally available on-farm formulated feeds.Inspite of this, farmers continue to incur lossesprobably due ... -
Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Cancer in Humans-Is there a Role or not? A Review of the Scientific Evidence
(Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences Research, 2019)Conjugated linoleic acids are naturally occurring fatty acids that are found predominantly in ruminant meat, milk and dairy products. They are composed mainly of two isomers: cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12 fatty acid. ... -
Influence of Vegetation Cover and Topographic Position on Water Infiltration, Organic Matter Content and Aggregate Stability of Grassland Soils in Semi-Arid Kenya
(Advances in Agricultural Science, 2019)A study was conducted in Mpala and Ilmotiok ranches in Laikipia County, Kenya, to investigate the influence of vegetation cover and topographic position on soil organic matter, bulk density, aggregate stability and water ... -
Biocontrol of Fusarium root rot in beans by antagonistic Trichoderma fungi
(International Journal of AgriScience, 2013-07)Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is one of the most important economic crop which is attacked by serious diseases such as Fusarium root rot. In this study, the efficacy of Trichoderma viride and T. koningii were evaluated ... -
A Literature Review of Role of Obesity in Adult Health with Reference to Africa
(African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 2013)Although obesity is a global epidemic that affects every socio-economic class, little is available in the literature on the status of the syndrome in Africa. This literature review was therefore written in order to highlight ... -
Effects of Packaging and Storage Conditions on Quality of Spider Plant (Cleome gynandra L.) Seed
(African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 2019)In Kenya, spider plant (Cleome gynandra L.) has gained popularity among consumers due to its nutritional and medicinal values. In the local markets, bundles of leafy shoots as well as uprooted young plants are offered at ... -
Synthesis of Nylon-ferrous Oxide Chitosan Immobilised Silica Nanoprobe for Detection of Ralstonia solanacearum
(Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International, 2016)Accurate detection of plant pathogen precedes control. Misdiagnosis of diseases results in chemical waste, crop damage and ultimately income loss. Precision in pathogen detection has been made possible by advances in plant ... -
Effect of Citric Acid on the Total Monomeric Anthocyanins and Antioxidant Activity of Liquor Made from Unprocessed Purple Leafed TRFK 306 Kenyan Tea Clone
(Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2019)A study was conducted to find out the effect of citric acid on total monomeric anthocyanins and antioxidant activity of liquor made from unprocessed purple-leafed TRFK 306 Kenyan tea, brewed at various time/temperature ... -
Effectiveness Of Albendazole On Soil Transmitted Nematodes Among School ChildrenA Case Of Kakamega County, Kenya
(African Journal of Health Sciences, 2019)Recent assessment by WHO on Soil Transmitted Nematodes (STN) point that their morbidity is still high in people mainly in children. A. lumbricoidesglobally infects 1.2 billion people and T. trichiura795 ... -
Socioeconomic Determinants of Banana Farmers’ Perception to Climate Change in Nyeri County, Kenya.
(Journal of Arts & Humanities, 2019-08-29)Climate change is one of the key constraints to banana production globally. The extent of the climate change impacts depends largely on farmers’ awareness, perceptions and responses to climate change. This study examined ... -
Non Communicable Diseases -The Elephant in the Room
(Research Journal of Food and Nutrition, 2018)Non Communicable Diseases including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer have been listed as the leading causes of death worldwide; they hamper development hence undermining the attainment development goals. ... -
Effect of Biological Contro Antagonists Adsorbed on Chitosan Immobilized Silica Nanocomposite on Ralstonia solanacearum and Growth of Tomato Seedlings
(Advances in Research, 2016)Background: Biological control holds promise in managing bacterial wilt disease. However, its efficacy is limited by harsh environmental conditions when applied without use of suitable carrier materials. Aim: The study ... -
Role of Zinc in Human Health with Reference to African Elderly: A Review
(African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 2012-10)This review of the literature was conducted to assess dietary zinc intake among the African elderly, discuss the potential impact of current levels of zinc intake on their health, and to recommend strategies for improving ... -
Food Quality Perspectives in African Fish Products: Practices, Challenges and Prospects
(International Research Publication House, 2016)A fishery value chain includes the handling, processing, marketing and sales of fishery products to consumers; in the African context, the major types of fishes harvested from the waters of the ... -
Role of Fatty Acids of Milk and Dairy Products in Cardiovascular Diseases: A Review
(AJOL, 2007)There are increasing global concerns about the role of foods in health and chronic diseases. Milk and dairy products are important sources of dietary protein and fat in the diets of many cultures including African communities. ...