Research Publications: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 795
Influence of Perceived Product Quality on Customer Satisfaction amongst Dairy Milk Processors in Kenya
(2019)In today’s competitive retail market, as service quality improves, the customer’s expectation and lateral demand on service level is increased from time to time. Dairy milk processing firms in Kenya are struggling to get ... -
Influence of Perceived Service Quality on Consumer Satisfaction amongst Dairy Milk Processors in Kenya
(2018)In today’s competitive retail market, as service quality improves, the customer’s expectation and lateral demand on service level is increased from time to time. Dairy milk processing firms in Kenya are struggling to ... -
Evaluation of Factors Affecting Implementation of Green Public Procurement Governments in Laikipia County Government, Kenya.
(2018-08)Green Public Procurement has been used as a tool to achieve environmental objectives by some countries especially in Europe. Public procurement in Kenya is estimated to account for between 70 and 80 percent of ... -
Observed leverage and financial performance of listed firms in Kenya
(2018)Capital structure management is one of the most crucial corporate financial management functions in a firm since appropriate debt policy is reported to maximize the value of a firm. Kenya is ranked second in Africa ... -
Macroinvertebrate metrics and lipid profiles as potential indicators of land use influence in a high altitude tropical highland stream (Sagana River Basin, Kenya)
(Elsevier, 2024)Land use practices near river ecotones result in numerous inputs of terrestrial materials into the river ecosystem. While macroinvertebrates population metrics is widely used in monitoring water quality changes, including ... -
The Critical Onion Growth Stages For Selective Protection From Thrips Tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera:Thripidae) Infestation
(Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Nairobi (Kenya), 2006-01)Field trials were conducted during 2000-2001 at KARIandrsquo;s Mwea-Tebere and Kiboko farms to establish the effect of onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman on onion bulb yields and to identify the critical onion growth ... -
Fishing power of conventionally harvested wetland baitworms compared to black soldier fly larvae as alternative baits in tropical artisanal hook fishery
(2018)Extensive and intensive, harvesting of earthworms and polychaetes from wetland substrate, for artisanal hook fishery, affect structural and functional integrity of these critical habitats. Cultured Black Soldier Fly larvae ... -
Effect of temperature on the development of Orius albidipennis Reuter, a predator of the African legume flower thrips, Megalurothrips sjostedti Trybom
(2002)The effects of temperature on the development of Orius albidipennis (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), reared on its prey, Megalurothrips sjostedti (Trybom) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), were studied in the laboratory. Nymphal ... -
Scope for genetic enhancement of the parasitisation potential of four native strains of Trichogrammatoidea sp. nr. lutea Girault (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae
(Taylor & Francis, 2007-09)In response to emerging interest in commercial mass production of Trichogramma for Helicoverpa armigera biocontrol in eastern Africa, laboratory experiments were undertaken to assess the scope for genetic enhancement of ... -
(2009)Seventomato (Lycopersicon sp.) accessions wereevaluated for their resistance to thetomato red spider mite, Tetranychus evansi Baker and Pritchard, in the laboratory. Data recorded was: (i) trichome density and ... -
Moderating Role of Environmental Dynamism on the Relationship between Opportunity Evaluation and Growth of NGOs in Kenya.
(Spirit Infestify, 2020-06)This study explored the moderating role of Environmental Dynamism (ED) on the relationship between opportunity evaluation and growth of agrobased Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in Kenya. These NGOs play a critical ... -
Technological innovation promoters, service quality practices and performance of SACCOs in Kenya
(2020-07)The programmed co-operative enterprises’ innovation initiatives in Kenya have been below their expectations of customers. The majority (60%) of the customers are satisfied by banking and related financial services offered ... -
“Process Innovation Promoters, Firm Performance and Moderating Role of Service Quality Practices in SACCOs in Kenya
(Center for Promoting Ideas, 2020)The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship that exist between process innovation promoters and the performance of SACCOs in Kenya and the moderating effect of service quality practices. The primary data was ... -
The Role of Incubator Classification on Performance of Incubators in Kenya.
(2021)The study sought to assess the importance of classifying incubators based on the programs offered for optimum performance. Client selection criteria were assessed through three constructs namely: models that fit program ... -
Entrepreneurial Opportunity Discovery Dimensions and Growth of Non- Governmental Organizations in Kenya
(2019-08)Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) play a critical role in addressing social ills like poverty, employment, and food insecurity; therefore, their growth prospects enhance their ability to address these social ills. ... -
Relationship between empathy dimension and customer satisfaction in the insurance industry in Kenya
(2019-10)The Insurance industry is essential to the economic course of every nation attaining sustainable growth and prosperity. However, the industry continues to experience a marginal growth of 2.5% compared to the global real ... -
"The Influence of Shared Vision on Organizational Ambidexterity in Coffee Marketing Co-operative Societies in Kenya”.
(2023-09)Coffee production in Kenya has plummeted, hurting the economy and worsening social inequality and poverty. Kenyan coffee marketing cooperative associations have failed to boost exports. Coffee is Kenya's main cash crop. ...